The Wind Waker

Title Theme

Wind Waker Title

when you first pop the disc into the Gamecube and The Wind Waker loads fully, you see a whispy sort of font underneath the Zelda logo. That font is unique to The Wind Waker, although some people think it may have crept into the Lord of the Rings films. Either way, someone has now managed to emulate the font from the game, and put it up for us all to download.

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Ocarina of Time

Ancient Hylian


The designer of many logos and websites, ranging from Zelda Legends to Zentendo, MDTA has lent his hand to font creation and created a font that takes all of the calligraphy of The Wind Waker, and managed to turn it into a workable font. There are two different versions, the English one and the Japanese one.

Made by MDTA at Zelda Legends
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